Web Development
Assignment 1
- It is a unique information tag made up of bits that makes up the identity of each computer.
- The domain name is also a unique tag, but it is for a website, rather than a device.
- Hypertext Markup Language
- index.html
- (img)
Assignment 2
- A server is either a program or a computer that provides services (primarily website type information) to other clients (which are computers). Computers are not servers, and they can be classified as clients; the receive information from servers.
- The following tags are in brackets instead of parentheses: (table)(td)(tr)(th)
- iFrame is imbedded inside of an html document, and it embedds content from one site onto another
- It defines a hyperlink; it links to another webpage.
- It defines a row in a html table.
Assignment 3
Webs.com is a website development company that will build and maitain a custom website for 22.99 each month. It would only take a few hours for them to create the website.
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